Friday, October 3, 2008

I love colors

Three ways I can use social networking is for gathering information quickly as in LibraryThing. With this network I see who's interested in the same books I am, I can find out about the books I haven't read and I can have fun browsing all the entries. Craigslist is one network I use if I want to buy something. I like to look at the furniture people are selling. I've never bought anything from Craigslist though. I use it to comparison shop or get ideas. ColourLovers is a network I signed onto in July when I was trying to figure out what color to paint my bedroom. The room is still unpainted. This site is confusing to me. It's comprised of people who put together color palettes and patterns. I manage to browse and browse but haven't put together anything specific. Through this assignment I realize how many social networks I use. Etsy is one I like for looking at what people are creating.

1 comment:

Jennifer Koerber said...

Ah, another bead nut! Could you post the URL for ColourLovers? It sounds like a fantastic resource.